There is no doubt that Cryptocurrency has come to stay in the global financial sphere. Although it is still under scrutiny by many countries because of the absence of external control by central banks; its potential for user anonymity and its security through blockchain technology. Many organisations, individuals and even some governments, however, have latched onto the bandwagon of using cryptocurrency as a means of exchange for goods and services.

Added to these are the high investment potential of cryptocurrencies which attracts investors seeking decent returns through its high price volatility.

As much as all the above makes sense, the use of cryptocurrencies also raises some valid concerns including its potential use in money laundering and terrorist financing because of its: anonymous nature. There are also worries about its financial stability as its market volatility has raised concerns about potential risks to the financial system. Furthermore, many users are worried about its consumer protection as its lack of regulations leaves investors vulnerable to scams and fraud.

All these together make the use of cryptocurrency become highly scrutinised by governments and financial regulators who seek to bring more stability and accountability to the crypto space.
In this post, we will discuss how crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation.


What Is Compliance Automation for Crypto Companies?

In simple terms, compliance automation for crypto companies refers to the use of technology and software solutions to streamline and automate key anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) compliance processes in the crypto industry.

Automation solutions for compliance take over manual operations and manage all compliance procedures in one space. In our current space and time in evolution, compliance automation is a key strategy for crypto companies.


What Are The Compliance Requirements For Crypto Companies?

To be able to secure customer activities and create a transparent environment, there are certain compliance automation for crypto companies that must put in place some compliance requirements. The most important of them  include:


A. Know Your Customer (KYC) Systems

KYC is one of the basic compliant automation required by crypto companies. This system helps them verify the identity of their users. This process involves collecting and validating personal information including name, address, and government-issued ID and more to prevent and address fraud and money laundering.


B. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Systems

Setting up AML regulations in the crypto company’s system helps crypto companies prevent criminals from disguising illegal funds as legitimate income. When crypto companies set AML programs in place to help identify and report suspicious activities, such as large or unusual transactions; they are able to track and deter illegal activity within the crypto ecosystem. Consequently, avoid regulatory sanction.


C. Transaction Monitoring (TM) Systems

Cryptocurrency transactions happen rapidly across borders, this is why continuous monitoring of these transactions must be put in place to identify patterns or red flags that may indicate money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illegal activities.


D. Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) Systems

Another way crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation is through the suspicious transaction report (STR) system. 

STRs are a key part of AML compliance programs. They refer to the process of monitoring transactions in real-time to identify and report any suspicious activity that could be indicative of money laundering, fraud, or other financial crimes.

If a crypto company detects suspicious activity through transaction Monitoring, they are expected to file an STR with the relevant authorities like the police or others in charge of economic, cyber and financial crimes. This report details the suspicious transaction and provides valuable information for further investigation.


These 4 compliance requirements for crypto companies are the basic yet important ways crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation. We have also discussed them in full detail in the ABC of blockchain compliance in cryptocurrency companies.


How Crypto Companies Can Avoid Regulatory Sanctions With Compliance Automation

Compliance automation helps crypto Companies avoid regulatory sanctions, offering them a powerful tool to navigate the complex world of crypto compliance and avoid costly regulatory sanctions through the following ways: 


A. KYC & Customer Due Diligence (CDD) Automation

In the old days, crypto Companies used a manual process filled with paperwork and time-consuming verifications. With Compliance automation coming in, this process has been streamlined by the following: 


  • Document verification tools: here, Automated systems can instantly verify the validity of government-issued IDs, passports, and utility bills; removing the need for manual document review.
  • Identity checks via APIs: Integrating the cryptosystem with third-party identity verification APIs helps the business make real-time checks against global databases, confirming customer identities quickly and securely.


B. Risk Intelligence & Transaction Monitoring Automation

Unfortunately, manual monitoring for suspicious activity cannot work in the current Cryptocurrency sphere as crypto transactions often happen at high volumes and speeds. Compliance automation utilises the power of the following to make suspicious activity reporting possible at current speeds:


  • AI and Machine Learning (ML): Compliance automation makes use of advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies that could be indicative of money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Identifying suspicious activity: These algorithms can flag transactions that involve known blacklisted addresses, high-risk jurisdictions, or unusual transaction patterns.
  • Flagging high-risk customers: Machine learning can step into the mix by analysing customer behaviour, including source of funds and transaction frequency, all in the bid to identify individuals who may pose a higher risk of money laundering.


C. Streamlining AML Reporting (STRs)

Compliance automation can significantly improve the filing of suspicious transaction reports through the following:

  • Automated Report Generation: producing pre-populated Automated systems have the ability to generate pre-populated STRs based on client data and flagged transactions, which minimises manual data entry and saves significant time.
  • Decreased Manual Errors: By automating report generation, human error is reduced and the accuracy and completeness of STRs submitted to regulators are guaranteed.
  • Quicker Reporting: Crypto businesses can effectively fulfil regulatory deadlines and avoid potential penalties for late filings by having the ability to generate reports rapidly.


What Are The Benefits Of Compliance Automation for Crypto Companies?

The following are some benefits of compliance automation for crypto Companies:


  • Reduced costs and improved efficiency for crypto companies as they do not need to employ a thriving workforce for manual monitoring.
  • Enhanced accuracy and consistency in compliance processes, allowing room for minimal errors and analysis as at when due.
  • Mitigates risk of regulatory sanctions and reputational damage giving the company peace of mind, and being free of trouble.
  • Builds trust and fosters a more secure crypto ecosystem as customers get to have no issues with their company and crypto companies that use the same model; in extension, helping clear people's reservations about dabbling into the crypto sphere.


These benefits listed above help validate how crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation.


Considerations For Implementing Compliance Automation for Crypto Companies

When implementing compliance automation for your crypto business, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. They include:


1. Choosing the Right Technology and Vendors: 

It is worth understanding that not all compliance automation solutions are created equal, so crypto businesses should evaluate their tools based on their ability to address their specific needs and regulatory requirements. It is best to be in business with reputable vendors known for secure and reliable technology.


2. Data Security and Privacy Compliance: 

It is also imperative to know that automation involves handling sensitive customer data, so crypto companies must ensure the chosen solution prioritises data security with robust encryption and access controls. They have to check that the solution they choose complies with all relevant data privacy regulations.

3. Integration with Existing Systems and Workflows:

A seamless integration with your existing systems is crucial for efficient operation, so crypto companies should select only solutions offering easy integration with your customer onboarding, transaction monitoring, and reporting platforms.

4. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance:

It is also true that compliance automation tools require ongoing attention as regulations and trends change. Crypto businesses should ensure they establish clear processes for monitoring system performance, identifying potential issues, and ensuring ongoing compliance with evolving regulations.


In Conclusion,

At this point, we want to believe you now understand how crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation. In case you are still wondering what compliance automation platform can best serve your company's needs in the crypto world; we'd tell you to look no further than Youverify.

With Youverify, you have all your compliance needs in one place! With our compliance automation software, you can simplify all your compliance processes from KYC, KYB, KYT, AML, and customer due diligence. With Youverify, our compliance solution is not just about avoiding sanctions, we help you build trust with your customers, ensuring they stay glued to you thereby enabling your growth! Want to see how that works? Request for a free demo today. It will only take a few minutes.

Enjoy reading this piece of information? We have others you would find helpful in your compliance journey as well.