Verifying a passport online is part of the process of verifying an individual’s identity online. Verifying or authenticating identity will always be required in these digital times when carrying out any procedure with a private or public organisation such as a financial institution. It is the initial step in these procedures before a user is allowed to operate or carry out any activity. 


It is very crucial to carry out a document verification to authenticate the supposed identity claimed by a person. One of the documents to be scrutinised is a passport. This article will serve as a guide to help businesses learn just how to verify a passport online. 


Online Passport Verification Explained


Digital verification of passports is a measure that can be adopted to ensure that a customer's identity maintains integrity; this mitigates identity fraud and forgery and ensures that errors are reduced when it comes to maintaining records.


This article explains what eDocument verification includes what it entails and how to carry out the process of verifying documents online. eDocument verification typically involves validation technology to carry out the verification process. However, it can also involve traditional face-to-face verification. Reading on will be orientation enough to carry out the passport verification online.


What are the Benefits Of Online Verification of Passports For Companies?


Some of the benefits of online verification include:


1. Companies Are Able To Go Along With The Newest Innovations


When companies adopt digital processes to verify passport or identity documents, then they are not left behind. They are able to keep up with the times and cater to new and growing audiences. Technology and digital media keep getting bigger, and in this new world, it is easy for any individual to impersonate another, as there is so much basic information available on the internet, through social media profiles, and bios.


2. Encourages Customer Loyalty


The world is moving into digital spaces, which of course includes potential customers. A lot of individuals now perform a lot of functions on the internet. Without moving forward and sticking to manual means, customers may be forced to leave for other companies that have gone digital.


3. It Builds the Trust And Confidence Of Customers


Safe digital processes are less prone to errors, mistakes and manipulation. Using digital means or verification improves the trust of customers in companies, organisations or entities who use them. They develop the perception that their data is safe and secure and can not be easily manipulated or hijacked.


4. It Is Cost Efficient


Essentially, digitising and securing the onboarding process for new users or customers helps reduce the operational costs of organisations. The costs of manual verification and security risks are mitigated and as a result, business is not lost through redundant and erroneous processes as well as multiple touch points. Millions of dollars can be lost through errors and identity fraud. On the other online verification services will help you save money and spend less and pull companies out of a lot of sanctions that may come from poor compliance or non-compliance.


5. Helps Companies Stay Complaint


All companies in the United States need to stay in alliance with regulation compliance. Stringent AML and KYC regulations are mandatory in order to mitigate fraud, money laundering, data breaches and other illegal activities. These regulations usually involve safe and secure means to scrutinise identification documents to verify identities., The regulations also guide how these data should be collected and stored.


6. Digital Identity Verification Processes Prevent Exposure To Fraudulent Activities 


It mitigates fraudulent activities like fraud identity and protects users and customers from being exposed to criminals, as their data is protected and data breaches are less likely. All these reasons are more than enough to encourage the prioritisation of online verification of identity documents.


Recommended - What is Business Verification?


How Can Passports Be Verified Online?


Online Passport Verification is needed in various sectors, which range from; mobility, travel, insurance, finance, and government institutions or agencies. Customers’ identities need to be verified in order to mitigate identity fraud and other associated illegal activities that may arise due to a false identity. This is a perfect reference to know just how to verify a passport online to check the identity of my customers or users. 


As mentioned earlier, verifying a passport or an ID document is a crucial step in ensuring the integrity of a customer’s data as well as mitigating fraud. Document ID verification is required for all companies within regulated sectors; failure to do so may lead to noncompliance and may attract sanctions. This requirement is set out in the anti-money laundering regulation, which are policies made to prevent fraud and money laundering.


1. In-Person Verification


Passport verification can be carried out in person; this means that an employee or agent of the organisation or entity carries out the verification process of the passport document to ensure that the identity of the individual is authentic and matches just who they claim to be. This has to be done in a branch of the organisation or an office. The process ensures that the identity passport has not been manipulated or forged. 


The traditional, face-to-face method typically requires that a copy of the passport or identification document is made. Then it is stored in the form of a photocopy or scan. Security checks are taken to ensure data protection checks are taken through government databases.


2. Online Verification


Online documents and verification still need to be carried out regardless, especially by digital businesses or companies, which allow customers to register, sign contracts or accept the conditions of service online, remotely. (customer onboarding) This is done using the U.S Passport Verification Service (USPVS), which provides a means for driver's licence agencies to verify U.S passport document data using the data on the Department of Homeland Security's back end systems. 


The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection System (CBP Pass) database, which houses a copy of the U.S. Department of State's passport records, is used by USPVS to carry out passport verification.


Verification of ID documents online takes place through video identification, and it takes three typical steps:


  • Showing the ID document front and back to the camera on either phone or computer. This is done to achieve optimum maximum security as well as efficiency. The process is done by streaming video with the aid of an AI that performs authenticity checks and extracts the data needed from the document.
  • A liveness detection test is carried out.
  • Qualified agents carry out the test simultaneously in real-time and validate the identification to ensure that it is all up to standards.


3. Using Digital Providers


Passport verification can also be carried out using providers, like YVOS, which is a leading identity verification software in Africa, also trusted by global brands including Standard Chartered and Bolt. Entrepreneurs can book a demo session to get a view of just how the YV OS can help automate identity verification. This documentation page includes resources that can be used to automate the verification of identity documents in; Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana.


Bottom Line


Verifying a passport online is not a complex process and it is critical for businesses to undergo this process to help mitigate fraudulent activities, like identity fraud and especially identity fraud. The identification documents of a potential customer can always be verified.


See how 100+ leading companies use Youverify for online passport verification of customers for compliance and real-time risk detection. Request a demo today.