Ongoing monitoring processes involve several systems and tools that allow for the continuous surveillance of customer accounts, transactions and activities to detect and prevent any suspicious or illicit behaviour. Employing ongoing or continuous monitoring tools or solutions is a risk-based or proactive approach because it seeks to tackle potential problems even before they become full-blown.


As the name implies, the process is continuous, starting from onboarding a customer or client. Ongoing monitoring is a critical part of anti-money laundering processes as well as countering the funding of terrorism and other associated vies, such as multiple large sale fraud, identity fraud, tax evasion etc.


What is Ongoing Monitoring?


Ongoing monitoring is a continuous and proactive process used in finance and compliance, to consistently assess and evaluate activities, transactions, or systems. Ongoing monitoring specifically refers to the continuous surveillance of customer accounts, transactions, and activities to detect and prevent suspicious or illicit behaviour.


What Are The Key Components of Ongoing Monitoring?


Ongoing or continuous monitoring involves or includes a number of influential components that facilitate the continuous monitoring of transactions of customers, especially cross-border transactions, politically exposed persons or customers that may be prone to risks to whatever degree. Key components of Ongoing Monitoring include:


1. Compliance Monitoring


Compliance monitoring is a systematic approach to ensuring that an organisation adheres to regulatory requirements and internal policies. This involves continuous surveillance and reporting on activities that may violate established rules and regulations. It encompasses a proactive approach toward risk management, with a focus on preventing compliance issues before they escalate. Robust compliance monitoring processes are essential for commercial and financial entities operating in regulated environments; they help them avoid legal consequences and maintain a reputation for ethical business practices.


2. Data Analytics Tools


Data analytics tools are instrumental in ongoing monitoring, providing organisations with the capability to analyse vast datasets comprehensively. These tools go beyond simple reporting, employing advanced analytics techniques to uncover hidden trends, correlations, and potential risks. By extracting actionable insights from large volumes of data, organisations can make informed decisions, enhance risk management strategies, and continuously improve their monitoring processes.


3. Transaction Tracking Systems:


Transaction tracking systems are sophisticated tools designed to scrutinise customer transactions in real-time. These systems employ advanced algorithms to analyse transactional data, searching for unusual patterns or deviations from typical customer behaviour. By continuously monitoring transactional activities, organisations can quickly identify potentially fraudulent or suspicious transactions, enabling timely intervention and investigation to mitigate risks and protect the integrity of financial systems. An example of an efficient transaction tracking system would be Youverify's powerful Transaction Monitoring Solution.


4. Behavioral Analytics


Behavioural analytics involves leveraging complex algorithms to study and interpret customer behaviour patterns over an extended period. By analysing historical data, these algorithms establish a baseline of typical behaviour for each customer. Variations from this baseline are flagged as potential anomalies, signalling the presence of suspicious activity. Behavioural analytics provides a comprehensive understanding of customer actions, enabling organisations to detect irregularities that may not be apparent through traditional monitoring methods.


5. Alert Systems


Automated alert systems play a crucial role in the ongoing monitoring process. These systems are designed to generate alerts and notifications in real-time when potentially risky transactions or activities are identified. Alerts are then swiftly transmitted to relevant personnel or decision-makers within the organisation, facilitating immediate response and investigation. This proactive approach ensures that potential issues are addressed promptly, reducing the likelihood of financial losses or other negative consequences.


6. Identity Verification Systems


Identity verification systems are pivotal for preventing identity fraud or theft and unauthorised access. These systems employ various methods, which include biometrics and document verification, to verify the identity of customers. By ensuring the authenticity of customer identities, organisations can establish a secure foundation for transactions, mitigating the risk of fraudulent activities that may arise from compromised or false identities.


7. Machine Learning Algorithms


Machine learning algorithms contribute or add predictive analysis to ongoing monitoring. These advanced algorithms have the capability to adapt and learn from new data over time. By continuously improving their predictive capabilities, machine learning algorithms enhance the system's ability to identify emerging risks and evolving patterns of suspicious behaviour, contributing to a more dynamic and effective monitoring environment.


8. Audit Trails


Keeping comprehensive audit trails is an important component of continuing monitoring. These trails are thorough records of system activity that provide a chronological account of transactions, user interactions, and other pertinent events. Audit trails provide a variety of functions, including supporting internal and external audits, assisting in investigations, and helping event reconstruction in the event of a security incident or compliance breach.


Why Ongoing Monitoring Is Important?


Here are some key reasons why ongoing monitoring is important today:


1. Early Detection of Anomalies


Ongoing monitoring allows organisations to detect unusual patterns or deviations in real-time or near-real-time. By identifying anomalies early, organisations can take prompt action to investigate and mitigate potential risks, preventing issues from escalating.


2. Proactive Risk Management


Rather than reacting to problems after or as they occur, ongoing monitoring enables a proactive approach to risk management. It allows organisations or staff to anticipate potential issues, assess emerging threats, and implement measures to prevent or minimise the impact of risks.


3. Fraud Prevention


In industries such as finance, ongoing monitoring is instrumental in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. By continuously analysing transactions and customer behaviour, organisations can identify suspicious patterns that may indicate fraudulent behaviour, helping to protect against financial losses and maintain the integrity of financial systems.


4. Regulatory Compliance


Many industries are obligated to operate within a regulatory framework that requires strict adherence to rules and policies. Ongoing monitoring ensures continuous compliance with these regulations by tracking and reporting on activities that may violate established standards. This is essential for avoiding legal consequences and maintaining a trustworthy reputation.


5. Operational Integrity


Ongoing monitoring contributes to the overall integrity of an organisation's operations. By constantly evaluating processes and transactions, organisations can ensure that their systems are secure, efficient, and in alignment with best practices, reducing the risk of operational disruptions.


6. Data Security


Continuous monitoring of system activities, user access, and data transactions helps safeguard against unauthorised access and potential data breaches. Identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in real-time enhances an organisation's overall data security posture.


7. Enhanced Decision-Making


Ongoing monitoring provides valuable insights through data analytics and reporting tools. These insights can inform strategic decision-making, helping organisations to optimise processes, allocate resources more effectively, and adapt to changing conditions in a timely manner.


8. Customer Trust and Reputation Management


Demonstrating a commitment to ongoing monitoring convinces and reassures customers that their transactions and information are being handled with care. This contributes to building trust and maintaining a positive reputation, which is crucial for customer retention and attracting new business. 


9. Efficient Resource Allocation


By prioritising efforts based on risk assessments and utilising tools like risk scoring models, ongoing monitoring allows organisations to allocate resources more efficiently. This ensures that high-risk areas receive the necessary attention and resources, optimising the effectiveness of risk management efforts. 


10. Adaptability to Change


In a business environment that is always evolving, ongoing monitoring helps organisations adapt to changes in their internal and external landscape. Whether it's changes in customer behaviour, market conditions, or regulatory requirements, continuous monitoring provides the agility needed to respond effectively to evolving challenges.


Bottom Line


The ongoing or continuous monitoring process is important for the robust implementation of AML and other compliance practices. Important, cogent or essential components are vital for ongoing monitoring, including Transaction tracking or monitoring systems, audit trailing, identity verification systems and trailing. Ongoing monitoring is a proactive approach that allows for the detection of compliance issues or red flags before they become a full-blown problems. Youverify offers a suite of solutions to aid ongoing monitoring adaptable to business environments across industries, from e-commerce to finance to gig economies. Request a demo today to see how it works.