When it comes to dealing with corporate bodies and potential clients, business owners must ensure that they are sufficiently protected against risks. 


While Business-to-Business transaction is highly encouraged between business owners, some business owners see it as an opportunity to employ the use of fraudulent means. Therefore, every business owner is required to take steps towards having an effective KYB process regulating their transactions. 

What is Know-Your-Business (KYB)?


KYB stands for "Know Your Business". It is a process used to verify the identity and authenticity of a business, organization, or individual. 


Financial institutions, payment processors, and other organizations use KYB to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations.


 KYB prevents illegal activities from ensuing in a transaction by ensuring that the parties involved are who they claim to be. No business owner wants to engage in transactions with entities that pose a risk to their operations. 

Why is KYB Important?

KYB (Know Your Business) is important for several reasons:

a. Compliance with regulations: 


KYB is required by many financial and legal regulations, such as AML and CTF laws. By verifying the identity and authenticity of businesses and organizations, KYB helps to prevent illegal activities from occurring.

b. Fraud prevention: 


KYB helps to prevent fraud and other illegal activities by verifying the identity of businesses and ensuring that they are operating legally. This helps to reduce the risk of fraud and other illegal activities and makes it easier for organizations to detect and prevent fraud if it occurs.

c. Building trust:


KYB helps businesses and organizations to build trust with their customers and partners. By verifying their identity and demonstrating that they are operating legally and ethically, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to responsible and transparent operations.

d. Reputation protection: 


KYB helps businesses and organizations to protect their reputation by reducing the risk of fraud, illegal activities, and other negative outcomes. By verifying the identity of businesses and ensuring that they are operating legally, KYB helps to promote a safe and secure business environment.

What Type of Business is KYB For?


KYB (Know Your Business) is a requirement for a wide range of businesses. People commonly limit its use to only banks and financial institutions; however, it is required for other industries as well. They may include:


  • Estate agents
  • Financial institutions
  • Payment processors
  • Auditors
  • Digital currency exchanges
  • Gaming companies
  • Tax advisors
  • E-commerce businesses


The purpose of KYB is to verify the identity and authenticity of businesses and organizations and to ensure that they are operating legally and ethically. 


As such, KYB is applicable to any business that is required to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations. 


It is also for businesses who want to demonstrate their responsible and transparent manner of operation to customers and partners. 


What are the Steps to an Effective Know-Your-Business Process?


To establish an effective KYB policy, a business owner must know all the steps required in the process. 


Here are some steps to follow.


1. Define your KYC policy: 


The first place to start is defining the KYC policy of the organization. Determining the type of customer due diligence (CDD) and enhanced due diligence (EDD) procedures needed, is an important step to take. The company’s policy should include information about the documentation needed from customers. It should also include how often customers will need to renew their details, and the processes to be put in place in the event of suspicious activity.

2. Customer Identification: 


The next step in the KYC process is to identify the customer. This will involve obtaining and verifying the customer's name, address, and other identifying information, such as their government-issued ID number or passport.

3. Customer Risk Assessment: 


After establishing the identity of the customer, the next thing to do is to assess the level of risk they pose to the business. This involves evaluating factors such as their country of origin, their source of funds, and the purpose of their account. 


This can be done through a variety of methods, including credit reporting agencies, databases, and public records. The information garnered will determine the categorization of customers into low, medium, or high risk.

4. Customer Due Diligence (CDD): 


CDD involves gathering additional information about the customer to confirm their identity and assess the level of risk they pose. This may include obtaining information about their employment, financial status, and criminal background.

5. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): 


If a customer is determined to be high-risk, EDD procedures will be required. EDD is a more in-depth and thorough review of the customer's background and financial dealings. This may include obtaining references from other financial institutions or conducting on-site visits to the customer's place of business.

6. Document Management: 


Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer information is critical for effective KYC. This involves properly storing and managing customer documentation, such as IDs and bank statements, and regularly reviewing and updating customer information.

7. Suspicious Activity Monitoring: 


The final step in the KYC process is to monitor the customer's account for suspicious activity. This may include monitoring transactions for unusual patterns, such as large or frequent transactions, or transactions that are inconsistent with the customer's profile.

What information is required for KYB verification?


The information required for KYB (Know Your Business) verification can vary depending on the specific organization and the regulations it is required to comply with. However, some common pieces of information that may be required include:

  • Business name and registration information
  • Contact information for the business, including address, phone number, and email
  • Information about the business owners and key personnel, including their names, addresses, and government-issued identification numbers
  • Business activities, products and services offered, and geographic locations of operation
  • Documentation to support the ownership and control structure of the business, such as articles of incorporation and shareholder agreements
  • Financial information, which will include bank account information and transaction history
  • Information on any previous criminal or regulatory actions against the business or its owners

What happens after the initial KYB procedure?


After the initial KYB (Know Your Business) procedure, the business or organization will usually be subject to ongoing monitoring and verification procedures. 


This helps to ensure that the business remains compliant with regulations and that any changes or issues that arise are identified and addressed in a timely manner.


Some common ongoing KYB activities include:


  • Regular updates of business information, including changes to ownership, management, or location
  • Monitoring of financial transactions to detect any suspicious activity
  • Reviews of customer or partner relationships to assess the risk of illegal activities
  • Periodic re-verification of business information to ensure its accuracy and completeness
  • The frequency and nature of these ongoing activities will depend on the specific regulations and requirements that the business is subject to, as well as the level of risk associated with its operations.



An effective KYC process is critical for compliance with AML regulations and protecting your business from financial crime. 


By following these steps, you can ensure that your customers are properly vetted, your risks are properly assessed, and your business remains compliant and secure. Regularly reviewing and updating your KYC policy and procedures will also help to ensure that your process stays effective and up-to-date as regulations and business practices change.

The role of technology in keeping an effective KYC policy cannot be overemphasized. With efficient tools to help organizations handle their risk assessments, Youverify offers help to a number of leading companies.  

See how 100+ leading companies use YV OS for KYB and AML screening of customers for compliance and real-time risk detection. Request a demo today.