Insur tech companies can be particularly vulnerable to money laundering, especially because they deal with large sums of money and capital-intensive assets. 

Insurtech is the fusion of technology and insurance, which might make it susceptible to fraud, digital manipulations, and attacks or hacks as a result of the digital nature of its service and the large sums of money involved in InsurTech. 

This article includes a sufficient expert guide for users and actors in the Insurtech industry to navigate AML compliance.


What is InsurTech?

InsurTech is short for Insurance Technology and can be described as the use of advanced technology like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain, and machine learning to improve and automate traditional insurance services. 

Examples of Insurtech include Hi Marley, Samba Safety, Ki Insurance, Cuvva, Zego, Cytora, Lemonade, Go Health, Ethos, Pie Insurance, etc.

As Insurance Technology companies continue to break barriers and scale, it is important not to relegate security in the face of prevalent cyber crimes and increased sophisticated means to perpetrate them.


Why do Insurtech Companies Need To Be AML Compliant?


1. To Prevent Financial Crimes

Insur tech companies need to be AML compliant to prevent financial crimes and not just money laundering.

InsurTech platforms handle large volumes of transactions, which can be exploited by criminals to launder money, defraud, or exploit persons. By implementing stringent AML measures, InsurTech companies can detect and prevent such crimes from happening.


2. For Fraud Detection

Insurtech has a variety of unique fraud types that individuals may try to get away with when hiring Insurtech services. However, advanced technology, data analytics, identity verification, and machine learning technology can help detect and prevent such kinds of frauds, which include:


Application Fraud: False information provided during the application process to obtain insurance coverage or benefits. This can include fake identities or exaggerated claims about personal circumstances.

Claim Fraud: Falsifying or exaggerating claims to receive insurance payouts. This can range from staging accidents to inflating the value of lost or damaged property.

Policyholder Fraud: Existing policyholders provide false information or conceal important facts to obtain more favourable policy terms or lower premiums.

Agent and Broker Fraud: Insurance agents or brokers commit fraud by manipulating policies, misappropriating funds, or colluding with customers to submit false claims.


Advanced AML technologies can be used to identify fraudulent claims and transactions, protecting the company and its customers from financial loss.


3. Regulatory Compliance

InsurTech companies are subject to the same AML regulations as traditional financial institutions. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines, sanctions, and legal actions. Adhering to international AML standards, such as those set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), ensures that InsurTech companies can operate globally without facing regulatory issues.


4. To Protect Or Uphold Positive Corporate Reputation

AML compliance for insurtech helps build trust with customers, partners, and regulators. A company involved in money laundering scandals can suffer significant reputational damage, affecting its market position and customer base.


Investors and stakeholders are more likely to support companies that demonstrate strong compliance with AML regulations, as it indicates a lower risk of financial crime and regulatory penalties. By mitigating the risks associated with money laundering, InsurTech companies can ensure their long-term viability and success in the market.


5. To Ensure Data Security

AML compliance involves implementing robust data protection measures to ensure that customer information is secure and protected from unauthorized access and misuse.

By preventing money laundering and related financial crimes through AML compliance, InsurTech companies can protect their customers from financial losses and ensure a safer financial environment.


6. Adaptability and Resilience

AML regulations and laws are not exactly constant; they are always changing. InsurTech companies that prioritize AML compliance are more excited with regulations because they are better equipped to adapt to new regulations and maintain continuous compliance.


AML Compliance Guidelines For Insurtech

Standard and recommended anti-money laundering compliance guidelines for Insurtech companies include;


1. Global/ Regional Regulations Or Standards

Financial regulatory bodies often set laws or guidelines for specific industries. FATF sets international guidelines for AML and CFT (Combating terrorism financing). Helping resources include the 40 FATF recommendations and the Guidance for a risk-based approach for the Life Insurance sector. 


Other regulations may be country or region-specific, such as the USA Bank Secrecy Act, USA PATRIOT Act, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations, Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), and the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 for the United Kingdom, Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD) and the 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (6AMLD) in the European Union, etc.


2. Customer Due Diligence 

Customer due diligence is not just about collecting personal details of customers during onboarding; it has to be a detailed and comprehensive process geared towards understanding the true nature of an individual or entity willing to do business with a company. 


This is where KYC, KYB, and continuous monitoring comes in. The identity of customers should be verified using reliable, independent sources of documents, data, and information, as well as automated software tools like Live detection, Identity Verification, ID data matching, etc.


Customer transactions should be continuously monitored to detect transactions for inconsistencies with the customer's profile and unexpected activity; this can be done through powerful AI-backed automated systems like Youverify's transaction monitoring system that can automatically and promptly flag and analyze suspicious activities.


3. Efficient Report Systems

Efficient report systems should be set up to promptly parse and send reports to appropriate regulatory bodies such as FinCEN in the US or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. It is also best to keep accurate and up-to-date documentation of findings, analyses, and reports.

With Youverify's transaction monitoring, one can design AML transaction workflow, document findings, and report to regulatory authorities all from a single interface.


4. Internal Controls, Policies and Procedures

It is important to set internal control guidelines and policies that support AML standards or laws that fit the dynamics of a specific Insurtech being managed; rewards, incentives, consequences, rules, and regulations should be put in place. 

Staff should be adequately oriented about internal and external AML guidelines, and executives or top personnel should endeavour to engage in activities or make decisions that encourage positive AML policies.


5. Regular Audits and Reviews

Regular audits and reviews, especially independent audits, should be conducted to reduce complicity and bias. Areas that need improvement and proactive changes should be identified, and actions should be taken accordingly and promptly as well.


Top 3 AML Compliance Software for Insurtech

There is a comprehensive suite of software tools and products that help companies of different sizes automate complaints. These AML compliance software for Insurtech make compliance and due diligence procedures seamless and easy. Here is some useful compliance software for insurance companies. 


1. KYC Tools

Know-your-customer (KYC) tools are essential for InsurTech companies to ensure regulatory compliance, prevent fraud, and provide a seamless customer experience. These tools help verify customers' identities, assess their risk levels, and monitor their activities for suspicious behaviour.

Helpful KYC tools for Insurtech include:

 Also, see the list of the top 10 best KYC tools for 2024.


2. KYB Tools

Because Insurtech can also provide services to businesses, it is essential for Insurtech to perform due diligence on businesses and Adverse media checks in order to stay compliant and clear of any entanglement with fraud, either as a victim or an unknown accessory.

Useful tools for Insurtech companies include:


3. KYT Tools

In the InsurTech sector, KYT tools monitor and analyze customer transactions in real time, helping to ensure compliance, prevent fraud, and provide a seamless customer experience. 

By providing real-time transaction monitoring, ensuring regulatory compliance, preventing fraud, improving operational efficiency, and delivering data-driven insights, KYT tools help create a secure, efficient, and customer-friendly onboarding experience. 

Using these tools helps InsurTech companies build trust, maintain compliance, and drive long-term success in the competitive insurance market.

Useful KYT tools for Insurtech Include:


Bottom Line

AML compliance is crucial for InsurTech companies to prevent financial crimes, detect fraud, comply with regulations, protect their reputations, ensure data security, and adapt to regulatory changes. 

By implementing robust AML measures and utilizing advanced compliance tools, InsurTech companies can enhance their security, build trust, and achieve long-term success. It is important to adopt a risk-based approach to AML procedures in Insurtech.

Customize your AML checks to suit your business’s AML compliance needs using Youverify’s solution. Book a demo.