According to, the global market for identity verification was estimated to be worth $10.9 billion globally in 2023. From 2023 to 2028, the market is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.9%. Digital identity verification is becoming increasingly prevalent.

A few decades ago, identity verification measures solely relied on manual and human means. However, in this present day, artificial intelligence has become prevalent in identity verification solutions, especially in biometric identification systems. As technology and artificial intelligence continue to advance, other measures or systems backed by artificial intelligence will allow for much more sophisticated trends in digital identity verification. A check-in process at Gatwick Airport today will most definitely include a digital identity verification process, e.g., biometric identification. 

Digital identity verification in the UK has been marked by several key trends, reflecting advances in technology and increasing demand for secure and efficient verification processes. This article identifies and explores emerging trends in digital identity verification in the UK.


What is Digital Identity Verification?


Digital identity verification can be described as the process of using electronic means and methods or technologies to confirm an individual's identity. It involves verifying the authenticity of a person's claimed identity by comparing digital credentials against official records or utilizing biometric data. 

Digital identity verification also makes it possible to prove a person's identity without meeting them face to face. Digital identity verification confirms identification documents such as IDs, biometrics, fingerprints, and facial resemblance through facial recognition technologies rather than relying on human or manual methods that may be prone to errors. 

Digital identity verification is especially useful because it is a safer and foolproof way to curb identity fraud. Digital identity verification will become relevant as identity fraud continues to be prevalent.

Emerging Trends in Digital Identity Verification in the UK


1. Advances In Liveness Detection 

Liveness detection is an important feature of biometric systems that should be very much included in verification processes in this digitalized present day. It ensures that the biometric sample being captured is from a live person and not from a spoof or fake representation such as a photo, video, or mask. 

Advances in liveness detection will lead to a much-needed improvement in the security and accuracy of biometric systems, as malicious individuals are now exploring new ways to bypass security or verification measures, especially with the rise of new spoofing AI tools producing highly sophisticated deep fakes that almost look real. UK residents are losing £2300 to fraudulent efforts, such as spoofing, every minute.

There are two ways liveness detection can be integrated into technology:


Active Liveness Detection: Requires user interaction, such as blinking or smiling, to prove they are live.

Passive Liveness Detection: Analyzes biometric data without requiring user interaction, using AI to detect subtle signs of life.


2.  Going Passwordless 

As a result of perceived password fatigue from users and increased security concerns, experts are looking to push digital platforms in the UK towards passwordless means of verification. Technologies such as fingerprint scanning and facial recognition offer a more secure and user-friendly experience. 

With these new advances, users will no longer be required or forced to use complex passwords that are hard to recall, manage, or strenuous to input.  This will allow for a more unified use of digital identities across platforms.


3. The Use of  Digital Identity Wallets 

Digital identity wallets are seemingly new advances in the digital identity verification space. It offers a simple and secure way to manage and verify personal identities online. It is a software application that securely stores and manages digital versions of identity credentials, including government-issued IDs (like passports, driver's licenses, payment information, employee ID cards, etc. 

Digital wallets enable individuals to store, manage, and share their digital identity credentials securely. Digital identity has been a recent consistent topic of discussion and deliberation by the EU, and a unionized version is set to take off by 2026. Although there are no nationalized versions of digital identity wallets in the UK, the UK will most likely adopt similar measures following the adoption of the European Innovation Council.


4. Biometric Verification Methods 

Although biometric verification has become a basic prerequisite for identification in most developed countries already. Biometric means of verification will continue to improve accuracy and user experience. Other forms of biometric verification have begun to surface, too. These include:

a. Facial Recognition: This can be used in various sectors, including airports, banking, and online services, for quick and accurate identity verification.


b. Voice Recognition: This means verification is gaining popularity due to its convenience in remote and hands-free environments.

c. Multimodal Biometrics: This combines multiple biometric methods (e.g., facial and fingerprint recognition) for enhanced security. E,g digital Identity wallets.


5. Remote Identity Verification/ eKYC

The rise of digital and remote services has led to the increased need for efficient and secure remote identity verification solutions. This includes but is not limited to measures such as: 

  • Video KYC: This identity verification takes place through live video interactions, meeting regulatory requirements while providing a seamless user experience.
  • Selfie Verification: Users take a selfie, which is then compared to their official ID to confirm identity, commonly used in mobile banking and online platforms.


4. Blockchain 

Blockchain is considered one of the novel innovations of the 2020s; advancement in blockchain can help revolutionize digital identities today and further provide a secure avenue to hold digital identities. There are several ways blockchain can be used to secure and improve the use of digital identities. The following components are combined to help digital identities safer with blockchain;


1. Decentralized Identifiers

A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is a pseudo-anonymous identifier for individuals, companies, objects, etc.,  that is secured by a private key. Only the private key owner can prove their control over a DID, allowing one person to have multiple DIDs to limit tracking across different activities. For example, a person can use one DID for a gaming platform and another for a credit reporting platform.


2. Identity Management

Blockchain-enabled identity management provides a safer means to protect and secure digital identities. It ingles the storage of digital identities in the blockchain and allows individuals to retain sole control over their digital identities. This means fewer data breaches and identity fraud. 


3. Embedded Encryption

Embedded encryption refers to the integration of encryption techniques directly within the processes and systems used for managing and verifying digital identities. It involves encoding data in such a way that only authorized parties can access and read it. This ensures that sensitive information, such as personal identification details and biometric data, is protected from unauthorized access and potential breaches.


 Also, read the trends in digital identity verification in Nigeria, South Africa, Canada. and Europe


Top Digital Identity Verification Solutions by Youverify

Many identity verification companies offer digital identity verification solutions.  Top on the list is Youverify which offers software compliance solutions tailored for companies of all sizes. Youverify's solutions are designed to be seamless, user-friendly, and easily scalable, ensuring businesses can efficiently manage compliance requirements as they grow and on the go. 

Youverify offers a range of advanced digital identity verification solutions, which include:


1. Liveness Detection

Youverify's liveness detection is a solid protection against spoofing and identity fraud; it is highly accurate. It leverages artificial intelligence and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs); the system detects fake presentations like 3D masks, projections, etc. 

It helps prevent forgery through replay attacks such as videos, recorded deepfakes, or avatars. It can seamlessly detect 2D photos and 3D facial movements as a result of its superior utilized technology. 


2. Biometrics Verification

Youverify's biometrics verification synchronizes facial recognition and liveness recognition. It is an all-in-one facial biometric check against the provided or required ID. 


3. ID Document Verification

Youverify's ID document verification system checks Youveriy's global document verification network to ensure the validity of an ID document. It is a fast and secure way to ensure that complaint and verification measures are not thwarted. 


Bottom line

Digital identity verification in the UK is evolving rapidly, driven by advancements in AI and blockchain technology. These trends are enhancing security, user experience, and efficiency in identity verification processes, which are crucial for combating identity fraud in the digital age. 

Companies like Youverify are at the forefront, offering cutting-edge solutions to meet the growing demands for secure and scalable digital identity verification. Businesses can verify the identity of their customers in real-time with fast and accurate results while maintaining a high level of security and compliance.

See why over 300+ global businesses use Youverify for their digital identity verification needs by booking a free demo