Identity theft is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences for victims. In Nigeria, where digital transactions are becoming increasingly common, the risk of identity theft is ever-present. If you suspect someone has stolen your personal information, such as your National Identification Number (NIN) or bank account details, taking immediate action is crucial. 

This article will guide you through the process of reporting identity theft in Nigeria, helping you minimize the damage and protect your financial security. We'll explore the different channels available for reporting theft, the information you'll need to gather, and the steps you can take to recover from this crime. We will also answer all your questions relating to how to report identity theft in Nigeria. 


What is Identity Theft in Nigeria?

Identity theft can take many forms, ranging from financial fraud via stolen bank accounts or credit cards to medical identity theft, in which stolen information is used to acquire services in your name. 

Even government benefits can be targeted, with criminals utilizing National Identification Numbers (NINs) to claim payments intended for you. The most complex kind, synthetic identity theft, involves generating a wholly manufactured identity by merging information from many victims, making it extremely difficult to detect.


What are the types of Identity Theft?

Identity theft can take many forms in Nigeria. Here are some common scenarios:

1. Financial Identity Theft

This involves making unauthorized purchases or withdrawals using stolen information, such as bank account information or credit card numbers.

2. Medical Identity Theft

In this situation, fraudsters use stolen information to seek medical services or prescription prescriptions in your name, which may result in false medical records or affect your insurance coverage.

3. Government Benefits Theft

Criminals may exploit your National Identification Number (NIN) or other identification documents to obtain advantages intended for you.

4. Synthetic Identity Theft

This entails constructing a false identity by mixing stolen information from various people. This can be especially difficult to identify because no single victim often reports the theft. However, it is easy to know how to identify a scammer if you have the right information

Knowing what identity theft is, let us discuss how to handle identity theft in Nigeria.


What do I do If I am a Victim of Identity Theft in Nigeria?

First of all, if you are a victim of identity theft or fraud in Nigeria, you must report it as soon as you can. Identity theft can be offline or online, the latter which is most common. 

The second step in reporting identity fraud in Nigeria is getting an affidavit of identity theft. An affidavit of identity theft is a powerful tool for victims of this crime. It's a sworn statement, legally recognized by authorities, that formally declares your identity has been stolen and misused. This document serves several purposes:

  • Reporting the Theft: Filing an affidavit officially reports the identity theft to relevant authorities, including financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, and government bodies.
  • Protecting Yourself: Having an affidavit on record helps establish you as the victim and not responsible for any fraudulent activity committed in your name.
  • Aiding Investigations: The detailed information in the affidavit can assist authorities in investigating the crime and potentially identifying the perpetrator.

You can get an affidavit of identity theft either by traditional means or online means.


Ways of Reporting Identity Theft in Nigeria

There are different ways to report identity theft in Nigeria:

1. In Person: 

Visit the headquarters or any nearby branch of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and submit a written report.

2. Online: 

File a report directly through the EFCC email address

3. Mobile App:

Download the EFCC Eagle Eye App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to submit your complaint electronically.

4. Social Media

Reach out to the EFCC on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the handle @officialefcc.

5. Assistance for Non-Literate Individuals: 

If you cannot write a report yourself, an EFCC officer can help you by writing down your complaint and reading it back to you for confirmation. You can also report a scammer to the EFCC through any of these ways.


How to Report Identity Theft in Nigeria to the Police

To report an identity theft to the Nigeria police, you should visit their website: The Nigeria Police Special Fraud Unit. You will be required to fill in your details such as your name, phone number and email address.

You can also make your report if they are sensitive information to the email address:

How long does it take to Investigate an Identity Fraud in Nigeria?

The investigation of identity fraud in Nigeria may take between 3 months to 12 months depending on the category assigned to the case. If you do not want to wait for that long, you may want to talk about how to track down someone who scammed you online and how to recover your money from a scammer if you live in Nigeria.


How to Recognize the Signs of Identity Theft

How do I know if I am a victim of identity theft? Early detection is key to minimizing the damage that can result from identity theft. Watch out for these red flags:

1. Unauthorized Accounts

Do you get credit card statements or invoices for accounts you didn't open? It might be a sign that your information was used to open an account for fraudulent purposes.

2. Suspicious Activity

Are there unfamiliar transactions on your bank statements or credit card reports? They may come as requests to approve the release of credit card reports.

3. Denial of Credit

Have you been denied credit for no real reason? It could be that someone used your identity to take out loans and did not pay them back.

4. IRS Notice

Do you receive unexpected correspondence from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) regarding taxes you haven't paid?

5. Medical Bills for Services Not Rendered

Do you receive medical bills for services you haven't received? If you have, your identity may have been stolen and used to cater for medical bills and services in some organizations.


What are the Steps to Combat Suspected Identity Theft?

How can I protect myself from identity theft in Nigeria? If you suspect you've become a victim, there are some veritable tools you can use to protect yourself from identity theft. You should also take immediate action through the following means:

1. Contact the Financial Institutions Involved

Inform your bank, credit card company, or other financial organizations if you suspect fraudulent activity. Request a fraud alert or account freeze to prevent future unauthorized transactions. 

2. Report the Theft to the Nigerian Police Force Cyber Crime Reporting Portal

In addition to the police station, consider reporting the crime online through the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) Cybercrime Reporting Portal

3. Report the Theft to the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

If you feel your NIN has been stolen, submit it to the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) through their website or helpline.

4. Contact the Credit Bureaus

Nigeria has two credit bureaus: CRC Credit Bureau Limited and Credit Direct Bureau Limited. Contact them to obtain a copy of your credit report and set up a fraud alert to prevent new credit lines from being opened in your name.

5. Monitor Your Accounts Closely

Keep an eye on your bank statements, credit card records, and medical bills for any additional questionable behaviour.

6. Protecting Yourself from Future Theft

Here are some preventive measures to safeguard your identity:

7. Be Wary of Sharing Personal Information

Avoid disclosing personal information such as your NIN, bank account information, or passwords online or over the phone unless you know the recipient's authenticity.

8. Shred Sensitive Documents

Shred or tear any documents containing your personal information before discarding them. To not do so is to give any bad actor a free guide to stealing your identity.

9. Use Strong Passwords

Make strong, unique passwords for your online accounts, and use two-factor authentication whenever possible.

10. Review Your Credit Report Regularly

Get a free copy of your credit report from the credit bureaus on a regular basis to monitor for any unauthorized activity.

11. Legal Resources and Support

If you've been a victim of identity theft, legal assistance can help you manage the situation and seek compensation for your losses. Consult a lawyer who specializes in consumer protection or identity theft. 

Additionally, various Nigerian government institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) assist victims of identity theft. The Consumer Protection Council (CPC) is a great source of information and support. You can also seek guidance from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).



Identity theft is a major issue in today's digital world, and Nigeria is no different. While vigilance and appropriate information sharing are critical for individual safety, Youverify's powerful fraud detection and identity verification capabilities provide an additional line of defence. 

By automating your fraud checks through intelligent software solutions, you can empower yourself to fight back against fraudsters and safeguard your financial well-being. One of the best ways to proactively prevent identity fraud in Nigeria is to receive real-time insights from Youverify’s advanced AI-powered fraud solution to stay one step ahead of criminals before the fraud is committed. You can now automate. Get a free demo.