It is no news that the US has one of the biggest cryptocurrency markets in the world with sources like Grand View Research pointing the market as valued towards $1.19 billion in 2022. 

As big as the market is, it is a target for money launderers and other criminals to get illicitly gained monies into the financial system.

Anti-money Laundering by financial institutions steps in to help bring sanity to this chaos by implementing a set of regulations and procedures to prevent these criminals from disguising the illegal origins of their money.


The Role AML Plays In The US Financial Sector

AML plays a crucial role in the United States financial sector by:


  1. Safeguarding the financial system’s integrity by maintaining a stable and trustworthy financial system; thus preventing criminals from injecting dirty money into legitimate financial channels.
  2. It also helps to reduce funding of criminal activities by making it more difficult to launder money. This discourages criminal activity as criminals lose the ability to easily profit from their crimes.
  3. Furthermore, these laws protect the reputation of financial institutions by taking measures to prevent reputational damage and potential regulatory sanctions.

Preventing money laundering in the US financial system can be difficult due to the following key compliance challenges:


1. Cryptocurrency’s Anonymous Nature

Unlike traditional banking systems where users are identified, cryptocurrency users can operate with relative anonymity, as cryptocurrency wallets can be established with minimal personal information.

This anonymity makes it difficult for exchanges to identify the source and destination of funds, potentially creating a haven for money launderers. Criminals can exploit this anonymity to move illicit funds across borders quickly and cover the tracks back to their origin.


2. Cryptocurrency’s Speedy Transactions

The fact that Crypto transactions can occur quickly across borders, is one of the reasons why criminals are attracted to it. It helps them move illicit funds rapidly through the financial system from one account to the other, making tracking them a nightmare.


3. Weak regulatory landscape

Unfortunately, the cryptocurrency landscape is still evolving, and regulations are behind, trying to catch up with the trend. This lack of clear regulatory frameworks makes it challenging to implement effective AML compliance measures.


Attempts Made by The US Authorities To Curb Crypto Money Laundering 


Recognizing these challenges, U.S. regulators are increasingly focusing on bringing cryptocurrency exchanges within the ambit of AML regulations. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in its bid to bring sanity to the chaos, has issued guidance classifying cryptocurrency exchanges as Money Service Businesses (MSBs), subjecting them to the same AML/Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements as traditional financial institutions. What this move does is require these exchanges to verify the identity of their users, monitor transactions for suspicious activity, and report any potential money laundering attempts to the authorities.

Cryptocurrency exchange organisations that fail to fall in line can suffer severe sanctions which may include hefty fines, potential criminal charges for exchange operators, and significant reputational damage. 

In the worst-case scenario, non-compliant exchanges risk being shut down by regulatory authorities, hindering their ability to operate and jeopardizing their entire business model.


Who Are FinCEN?

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury, acting as the nation's financial intelligence unit (FIU) while also combating money laundering and other financial crimes. 

Established in 1990, FinCEN’s primary mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use by collecting and analyzing information about financial transactions. They also help disseminate intelligence gathered to law enforcement and other regulatory bodies like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Another responsibility they take on is the setting and enforcement of AML regulations for financial institutions, including cryptocurrency exchanges.


What Are The Authorities And Laws Backing FinCEN’s Activities In The US Cryptocurrency Landscape?

The FinCEN is backed up by several key laws and authorities to tackle money laundering in the US crypto landscape. They include the:


1. Bank Secrecy Act

Established in 1970 by the Nixon administration, the US Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is the foundation for AML regulations in the US. This act applies to "Money Services Businesses" (MSBs), which FinCEN has determined most cryptocurrency exchanges fall under. 

The act requires MSBs to implement AML programs with elements like KYC (Know Your Customer), transaction monitoring, and Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR).


2. FinCEN Regulations

To combat money laundering and other financial crimes, FinCEN issues specific regulations interpreting the BSA and outlining detailed AML program requirements for MSBs. These regulations include:

  • Customer Identification Programs (CIP) mandating MSBs to verify the identity of their customers, including collecting name, address, date of birth, and government identification.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD) to build upon CIPs, requiring MSBs to understand the nature and purpose of customer relationships, and assessing money laundering risks associated with each customer.
  • Suspicious Activity Reporting (SARs) on any suspicious transactions that might indicate money laundering or other financial crimes to FinCEN.


3. FinCEN Advisories

Also in the mix are non-binding guidance documents issued by FinCEN to clarify existing regulations and provide best practices for AML compliance in specific sectors, including advisories related to convertible virtual currencies (CVCs) – the term FinCEN uses for cryptocurrencies.


4. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Additionally, FinCEN cooperates with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international organization setting global AML standards. This collaboration ensures that US crypto regulations are aligned with international efforts to combat money laundering.

By leveraging these authorities, FinCEN aims to bring transparency and accountability to the US crypto market, deterring money laundering activities and ensuring a safer financial environment.


What Are Top 3 AML Technologies For Crypto Exchanges In Compliance With The FinCEN Guidelines?

U.S. crypto exchanges need to have in place robust AML technologies to combat financial crime and ensure regulatory adherence as per FinCEN guidelines. Here are top 3 technologies for each crucial stage of AML compliance:


1. Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

First on the customer due diligence activity is the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure. This procedure is the foundation of CDD; helping organisations identify and verify customer identities, preventing anonymous transactions often exploited by money launderers. KYC reduces the risk of onboarding high-risk individuals or entities associated with criminal activity.

Anti-Money Laundering Technologies helps automate the process Know Your Customer procedure, ensuring they are streamlined. These technologies include: 

  • Automated Identity verification systems help verify government-issued IDs using facial recognition and document verification tools, expediting customer onboarding.
  • Software automates document checks for authenticity and validity, reducing manual verification workload.
  • Risk Assessment Tools help analyze customer data including the source of funds, and customer transaction history; in a bid to assess potential money laundering risks associated with each of them.


2. Transaction Monitoring

The transaction monitoring process also has to have AML technologies to ensure that no money laundering and other financial crime is perpetuated. These technologies are crucial for:

  • Monitoring for suspicious activity continuously to identify suspicious those bordering on money laundering. Red flags can include large, unexplained transactions, rapid movement of funds across wallets, or transactions to/from high-risk jurisdictions.
  • Real-time monitoring & anomaly detection scanning transactions in real-time, and flagging suspicious activity based on pre-defined rules and risk profiles. Using, advanced analytics to identify unusual transaction patterns that deviate from a customer's typical activity, potentially indicating money laundering attempts. An example of this technology is the Blockchain Analysis Tool which can be used to trace the movement of cryptocurrency across blockchain networks, assisting in investigations related to suspicious activity identified on the exchange.


3. Regulatory Reporting

These technologies are used in reporting suspicious activity to the authorities like FinCEN. One valid technology is SAR Automation Tools which streamline the SAR filing process by automatically generating reports based on flagged transactions and pre-defined criteria. This reduces errors and ensures timely reporting to FinCEN.


By working with the above AML technologies, crypto exchanges can achieve efficient customer onboarding, real-time transaction monitoring, and streamlined regulatory reporting, ensuring adherence to FinCEN guidelines and contributing to a safer and more transparent crypto ecosystem.

See the different AML Technologies that can be adopted in Canada, Europe, Kenya,  South Africa, the Middle East, the UK, and Nigeria. 


What Are The Benefits Of Adopting AML Technologies?

Adopting effective anti-money laundering technologies offers a multitude of benefits to any crypto exchange organisation in the United States, transforming how they navigate the regulatory landscape. The following are these benefits:


1. Enhanced Compliance with Regulations: 

AML technologies help mitigate the risk of non-compliance penalties and potential sanctions by providing the tools to navigate the ever-evolving regulatory environment. These tools as explained above involve streamlined KYC processes which ensure adherence to FinCEN's guidelines for customer identification. They also make for real-time transaction monitoring to identify and report suspicious activity.


2. Reduced Risk of Financial Crime

The automated nature of AML technologies helps speed up effective, tasks like document verification and transaction monitoring. They also free up resources for in-depth investigations in the bid to identify and deter money laundering attempts. In the bigger picture, this protects both the exchange and its users from financial crime flagging suspicious activity associated with terrorist financing or other illicit activities.


3. Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings

It is worth noting that manual AML processes can be time-consuming and prone to human error. These technologies streamline KYC procedures, automate reporting, and reduce the need for manual data analysis; making significant efficiency gains and allowing exchanges to dedicate more resources to core business functions. In the long run, these efficiencies can lead to cost savings through reduced manual labour and faster customer onboarding times.


4. Increased Trust and Legitimacy

U.S. crypto exchanges can build trust with both users and regulators by demonstrably prioritizing AML compliance through the use of these technologies. This shows commitment to a safe and transparent financial environment, fostering confidence among users, while potentially attracting new customers and investors who value a secure and compliant crypto ecosystem.

By embracing AML technologies, U.S. crypto exchanges can ensure their long-term success and contribute to a more responsible and secure future for cryptocurrencies.

See how crypto companies can avoid regulatory sanctions with compliance automation.


What Are The Challenges in Adopting AML Technologies in US Crypto Exchanges?

As advantageous as AML technologies are for U.S. crypto exchanges, their implementation presents several challenges and considerations that need careful evaluation. They include:


1. Cost Of Implementation And Maintenance

It should be understood that integrating robust AML technologies in any crypto exchange organisation’s system doesn’t come cheap. The cost of acquiring, installing, and maintaining these systems can be substantial, especially for smaller exchanges. These ongoing expenses must be factored into operational budgets, potentially impacting other areas of business development.


2. Data Privacy Concerns And Secure Data Storage

Effective AML requires collecting and storing sensitive user data (e.g., names, addresses, government IDs). For a country like the United States with strong data privacy legislation, this raises data privacy concerns. 

There comes the battle of wills between these legislations and the need for these exchanges to gain access to these data protecting not just user information from breaches or unauthorized access but keeping their organisation from being used by criminals, building trust and avoiding potential legal issues.


3. False Positives In Transaction Monitoring

Even the most sophisticated AML systems can generate false positives, flagging legitimate transactions as suspicious. Unfortunately, this can lead to unnecessary delays, inconvenience for users, and a strain on resources for manual review. 

This leads crypto exchange organisations to find ways to get effective detection while minimising false positives.


4. Keeping Pace With Evolving AML Regulations And Technological Advancements

Technologies constantly evolve, advancing in ways that may be too fast for crypto exchanges to keep up with; so will the regulations change. This also means that criminals will adapt to these changes looking for ways to exploit the system. 

Exchanges need to be prepared to adapt their AML technologies and procedures quickly to comply with changing regulations. Additionally, the field of AML technology itself is constantly advancing. Exchanges need to stay updated on the latest solutions and be prepared to invest in upgrades to ensure their AML programs remain effective.


Final Words

The rise of cryptocurrencies presents exciting possibilities but also compels U.S. exchanges to navigate a complex world of regulations and potential financial crimes. In this landscape, adopting effective AML technologies is not a choice but a necessity. These technologies streamline customer onboarding, identify and report suspicious activity, and bolster the security and integrity of the entire crypto ecosystem. By prioritizing AML compliance, U.S. exchanges build trust with users, regulators, and investors, fostering a more legitimate and sustainable future for the industry.

Looking ahead, AML compliance in the cryptocurrency industry is likely to become even more sophisticated. As regulations evolve, advanced data analytics and blockchain analysis tools will be further integrated. Collaboration between regulators, AML technology providers, and crypto exchanges will be crucial for developing future-proof AML solutions. Ultimately, the successful adoption of these technologies will ensure the responsible growth and mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Do you need a veritable solution to your AML technology needs, go no further than Youverify for all your AML and regulatory compliance needs. All you need do is book a demo with us today and watch us get you that peace of mind your organisation needs.