When registering a business in South Africa, one of the key elements is the company registration number. This number acts as a unique identifier for your company and tells a story of the regulatory framework and changes that have shaped business registrations over the years. 


In this article, we will explore the two primary formats of business registration numbers in South Africa, the transition to the centralized system under the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), and how Youverify can streamline your business verification needs.


What are the Two Formats of Business Registration Numbers in South Africa?


1. Standard CIPC Registration Number Format (Post-2002)


The standard format for company registration numbers issued by the CIPC is: YYYY/NNNNNN/XX


  • YYYY: The year the company was registered.
  • NNNNNN: A sequential number assigned to the company, reflecting the order in which companies are registered within that year.
  • XX: A suffix indicating the type of company (e.g., 07 for Private Companies, 06 for Public Companies, etc.).


This format ensures uniformity and makes it easier to identify the type of business and the year of registration at a glance.


2. Older Format with Alphabetical Prefix (Pre-2002)


Before the CIPC system was centralized, South Africa used a regional registration system where company registration numbers included an alphabetical prefix to denote the region of registration. These prefixes included:


  • K for KwaZulu-Natal
  • T for Transvaal (now part of Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North West provinces)
  • C for Cape Province (now divided into Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and Northern Cape provinces)
  • O for Orange Free State (now Free State province)
  • N for Natal (often represented by "K" in some cases)


The older format followed the structure:

    • K: Region of registration (e.g., KwaZulu-Natal).
    • YYYY: Year of registration.
    • NNNNNN: Sequential number assigned within that year.


You can also follow this step on how to do PSIRA business verification in South Africa.


The Transition to CIPC: A Centralized System for Company Registrations


In 2002, South Africa took a significant step forward in simplifying and centralizing company registrations with the establishment of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). 


This new system replaced the regional registration format with a standardized national format, streamlining the process for businesses across the country. 


All new companies registered under the CIPC follow this uniform format, while companies that were registered under the old system retained their original numbers with regional prefixes.


Conducting the process of business verification in South Africa is easy when done with the right technology such as Youverify’s Business verification AI-powered Solution. We have dedicated an article on how to verify a business in South Africa 


How Youverify Can Help


Navigating business verification processes can be challenging, especially when dealing with companies registered under both the old and new systems. That's where Youverify comes in. Youverify provides a comprehensive solution for verifying company details, ensuring that your business dealings are with legitimate and compliant entities.


Our business verification platform is equipped to handle verification for companies registered under both the old and new formats. Whether you're dealing with a business with a CIPC-issued registration number or an older company still using a regional prefix, Youverify ensures that you get up-to-date information.


What are the Key Benefits of Using Youverify for Business Verifications?


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Verify companies regardless of their registration number format.
  • Real-Time Data: Access the latest information from the CIPC and other authoritative sources.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplify your verification process with our easy-to-use platform or through API.
  • Enhanced Security: Protect your business from fraudulent entities by verifying the legitimacy of any company before entering into a partnership or transaction.


All your FAQs on PSIRA verification in South Africa are answered here.




Understanding the nuances of South African company registration numbers is essential for business owners, investors, and anyone engaging in corporate transactions. The transition to a centralized system under the CIPC has made the process more straightforward, but older registration numbers with regional prefixes still exist. 


By using  Youverify Business Verification Solution, you can confidently verify any business, regardless of its registration number format, ensuring that your company is always dealing with legitimate entities.