The National Identification Number (NIN) is a unique 11 digit number that uniquely identifies a citizen or legal resident in Nigeria. This system was incorporated to curb fraud in the nation as the government-mandated everyone to enrol in the National Identity Database (NIDB). After registration, a unique NIN number is randomly chosen and assigned to the individual. 

To save yourself the hassle of physical registration, you can complete your NIN registration online and this article would put you through on how you can do that. Knowing how to apply for NIN registration online is the easiest way to get it done how to get my nin online and learn how to get my nin number: note that your NIN is automatically generated by the system how to generate nin number


How to apply for NIN Registration Online


What is NIN?


NIN is a set of 11 digits unique to an individual, that is used to tie all records about the person in the National Identity Database (NIDB). This allows the government or any approved organization to verify the identity of such person and in a case of the individual’s demise, his or her NIN is retired after a death certificate is presented to the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC).


According to the governmental decree, all citizens and legal residents of Nigeria are eligible and mandated to enrol for their NINs. This bracket covers all age ranges (from zero and above). NIN is requested across several activities including applying for a loan or opening a business. 


How to apply for NIN registration online?


Although you can apply for your NIN registration online, it is more of a pre-registration than actual registration. You need to apply on the NIMC pre-enrolment portal and follow the instructions listed for applying for your NIN. Also, you can directly visit the pre-enrolment portal here. This is part of nimc registration online processes where you can also download the form; in fact, you can download the registration form online or complete the nin registration form online before printing. Some platforms even offer free nin registration online services for pre-enrolment.


On the portal, you can either choose to download the enrolment form online, print it and fill it out physically, or complete the form directly online before printing. After that, you are required to proceed to any NIMC enrolment centre. Please note that you can also visit the centre if you require help in filling the form and a centre agent would attend to you.


The actual NIN enrolment involves capturing your demographic data, fingerprints, digital signature, and head-to-shoulder facial picture. These features are used to cross-check for any existing data in the National Identity Database to ensure there is no already existing data about you. NIN is now requested in most KYC procedures today like during a loan application.


Recommended - OFFICIAL: NIMC Discontinues NIN Verification, Launches Virtual NIN (vNIN)


What documents do I need for my NIN registration?


You should visit any NIMC enrolment centre with the following documents and information:

  • BVN
  • Old National ID Card
  • Valid Immigration documents
  • Voter’s Card (Temporary and permanent are both accepted)
  • Tax Clearance certificate
  • Nigerian International Passport
  • Staff ID card from a registered and recognised private organisation
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Government staff ID card
  • Attestation letter from a prominent community or religious ruler in your community
  • Birth certificate or declaration of age
  • NHIS ID card


 Without these necessary NIN registration documents, you would not be able to complete your registration. 


Step by Step approach on how to register for your NIN online


Follow the processes below to register for your NIN:


Step 1:


Visit NIMC's official Pre-enrolment site to download and print your pre-enrolment slip.

  • Fill out the NIMC Pre-enrolment form online by visiting the official Pre Enrolment portal
  • Ensure you complete the mandatory field with the correct information only
  • Cross-check for any errors when done
  • Download and print or print the Pre Enrolment form directly from the NIMC portal with a 2D barcode


Step 2:


Submit your form at any NIMC Registration Centre

  • Proceed to visit the nearest NIMC registration centre with the documents we listed above
  • At the registration centre, an enrolment officer would verify your pre-enrolment form and other compliance documents required for your successful application
  • If all your documents check out, the enrolment officer would direct you to where you’d proceed to capture your biometrics to finish the registration. This includes your ten fingerprints and facial images, after which they’d give you a Transaction ID slip as evidence of the transaction.


Note that individuals who cannot read or write should be accompanied by a literate person, while minors are to go with their parents or guardians. This is to help with the filling of forms and supplying other personal information.


Also, all minor applicants are required to bring a valid birth certificate and NIN slip from one of their guardians to be able to complete the registration.


Step 3:


Issuance of NIN

  • Between 2 to 3 working days after the enrolment has been completed, a National Identification Number (NIN) would be issued to you. You can collect it by visiting the enrolment centre you registered.
  • There are times when this duration may take longer, especially due to data validation procedures at NIMC.
  • To collect your NIN slip, you need to present the Transaction ID slip that was given to you immediately after you finished registration.


You can read more on How to check NIN Number on MTN, Glo, Airtel, 9mobile, and online.


Why do you need a NIN?


Just like how your phone number is important for people to contact you, your National Identification Number is useful for people to identify you. This number is used to match you with your biometrics and other details in the National Identity database during any verification or authentication process.


Today, you need your NIN for several enrolments that every citizen or indigen cannot do without. However, carrying it around is risky as it may get lost or stolen and used for fraudulent acts. This is why you need the YOU ID digital identity wallet app to help you store your identity details including your NIN.


With YOU ID, you can easily tender your NIN from the app when it is needed, whether online or offline and in the most secure way. 

Here is exactly how it works:



Download the YOU ID digital identity wallet app today!


Here are some of the procedures where your NIN is needed:


  • Obtaining your National e-ID card
  • Applying for an international passport for travel and flight
  • Obtaining your permanent voters’ card
  • SIM Card registration and Linking
  • Opening and operation of bank accounts
  • Registration for the National Health Insurance Scheme
  • Obtaining a drivers’ license
  • Contributory pension scheme and its related transactions
  • All land transactions subject to the land use act
  • Registration for welfare and social services from the Nigerian Government
  • Tax payment


Since the incorporation of NIN, NIMC has harmonised with all the relevant organisations to integrate data and provide smooth services. Also read more on How to link NIN to Airtel, MTN, Glo, or 9mobile Phone Numbers in 3 easy steps.


 FAQ on How to Apply for Nin Registration Online


Q1: How can I register NIN online myself?
A: Simply follow the steps outlined above on the portal and use nimc registration online procedures. Many users ask, how can i register nin online myself, and this guide is designed to help you do just that.

Q2: What is the cost of NIN registration?
A: The process is streamlined, but if you’re wondering how much does it cost to register for nin, fees may vary based on the centre and additional services required.

Q3: Can I verify my NIN details online?
A: Yes, you can use the verification feature available on the official portal.

Q4: Are there any transactional options linking BVN with NIN registration?
A: For business users, consider exploring NIN registration online with BVN for an integrated solution.


Bottom line


As long as you're a citizen or legal resident in Nigeria, having a National Identification Number is very important. This is why you should know how to apply for NIN registration online.  With the steps outlined above, you can easily complete your pre-enrolment, and enrolment to obtain your NIN in no time.